This Blog is for Mrs Roberts' English class 7y3...

'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' - Albert Einstein

Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Last term we created a Reading Journal; this term we are going to create a Writing Journal!  The principle is the same, but in your Writing Journal you will be writing down ('magpie-ing') any words, phrases, metaphors, similes or ideas that you read, hear or create yourself.  This will enable you to develop a bank of creative resources that you can draw from.


1. Find a notepad (it doesn't need to be expensive) and make it your own (i.e. decorate it!).  On the first page, write down the one thing you are most proud of having written - this can be anything from a story that you wrote in yr5, a poem that you wrote last week, a heartfelt letter or email to a friend or a entry in your own personal diary.  Write down why you are proud of it - is it very moving/funny/clever?  Have you used sophisticated language?

2. Generate some new word combinations:

a)Make a list of nouns starting with any letter of the alphabet.

b)Make a list of adjectives starting with any other letter of the alphabet.

                                                   Trembling                                                     A trembling parrot

                                PLUS           Tiny                                  EQUALS              A tiny pair of pliers
                                                   Terrific                                                         Terrific paint
                                                   Tatty                                                             A tatty porpoise

3. Choose ONE of your new word combinations and put it into a paragraph - perhaps this could be the start of a strange story?