This Blog is for Mrs Roberts' English class 7y3...

'Imagination is more important than knowledge.' - Albert Einstein

Friday, 18 May 2012

Reading Journal HW

Choose ONE character from the book that you're currently reading.  Try to imagine being them; how do you feel?  What is your relationship like with other characters in the book?  What kind of personality do you have?

Write a diary entry for your character, from whereever you are in the book.  Remember that you are writing in the first person ('I woke up feeling awful...').

Begin with 'Dear Diary...'

To really get under the skin of the character, try to use some of the vobulary that they use, so that you capture their 'voice'.

Post in the comments box how you found this task; was it easy or difficult?  Why?  Was the character's voice clear?


  1. difficult because i am not very good at english

  2. i found this easy because i could understand the character from the book anyway so it helped a lot to write a diary entry.

  3. i found this very hard
